Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Reunion Schedule

Please click on the link for "Scheduled Activities" because we FINALLY have an update!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fewkes Reunion Dates SET!!!

Fewkes Reunion at USU in Logan Utah
June 22 - 25

6 bed dorm, bath, kitchen - $90 per night

Meals will be available in a cafeteria, local restaurant, or on your own in the dorm kitchen. Prices coming later.

We need a tentative head count ASAP with firm numbers and $50 deposits - April 15.

Respond to this email address fewkesreunion2009@gmail.com. Official registration forms will be forthcoming.

Please forward this email on to all you know so all will be informed. We will be having the reunion on June 22-25. Again, it will be in Logan, Utah, like the last one.... More information to come!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Call for Information

Please e-mail the following information to:

Your name
phone number
e-mail address
family group

Each family needs a family representative to make contact with everyone. They will be listed on the "Family List" link on the right hand side of the page.

Also, we encourage family shirts also so pick a color! First come first served.

Special Project!

We would like to compile a DVD of video/pictures from past reunions to make available to everyone. The proceeds will go to the genealogy fund.

We need a volunteer in the family with equipment and skills to retrieve images from possible 8mm, 16mm, and VHS and digitally record them to DVD format. We also need to collect the originals or copies from family members. We would also like years, place and names from the movies and pictures where ever possible. We need every one's help. Please e-mail to fewkesreunion2009@gmail.com if you'd like to volunteer for this project or if you have videos or pictures you'd like to contribute.

We will also put together a pedigree chart and decendent list on CD so we're looking for people interested in helping with this project also (see above e-mail).

Saturday, May 24, 2008

New feature... In the column to the right of this message you will notice a few new links.